Eastern Maine Camera Club



THIS Thursday evening the Eastern Maine Camera Club will host Kirk Rogers.  

Kirk has broad photographic interests.  He's an accomplished astrophotographer, and accomplished landscape photographer, and an accomplished bird photographer. Kirk travels the country as part of his work and always makes time to exercise his photographic skills.  He's widely published and was featured on Bill Green's Maine in 2017.  His images are displayed in gallery's around the country.

Kirk is a lecturer, and I expect we'll see some very good work and get useful insights into what inspires his photographic interests.

You can see Kirk's work at: http://www.kirkmrogers.com/

or: http://www.kiroastro.com/

The meeting starts at 6:30.  It will be good to arrive a little early and find a good seat. 

We'd really like to see you this Thursday November 1, 2018 at  the Bangor Parks and Recreation building!



Don Darling, Secretary

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